6 Minfulness Tips to Make Going Back to School Easier

6 Mindfulness Tips to Make Going Back to School Easier

Getting back into the school routine after the summer break can be a bit of a transition for both kids and parents alike!

September marks the return to a more structured schedule, and while our little ones might be heading back to the classroom with excitement and eagerness, there’s often a subtle undercurrent of anxiety for them and us. Every child is different, some children find it harder than most.

Fear not, though! Short mindfulness practices can be a fantastic way to navigate this transition smoothly.

Here are six easy and effective mindfulness tips that will not only help alleviate those back-to-school jitters but will also create a sense of calm and positivity for both your kiddos and you, not to mention this is something you can do throughout the whole year:

1. Morning Moments of Mindfulness: Kickstart the day with a mindful morning routine. Encourage your child (and why not join in?) to take a few minutes to breathe deeply, focusing their attention on the sensation of their breath. This simple act can set a peaceful tone for the day ahead. I would go with ten deep beautiful breaths.

mindful morning routine for you and your child
Take ten beautiful breaths and intend for a positive day.

2. Mindful Listening: As your child talks about their day, be fully present and engaged. Show genuine interest in their stories, experiences, and feelings. This active listening not only strengthens your connection but also helps your child feel valued and understood.

As your child talks about their day, be fully present and engaged
As your child talks about their day, be fully present and engaged

3. Gratitude Moments: Take a moment each morning or evening to share something you’re both grateful for. It could be a fun interaction, a delicious meal, or simply a sunny day. This practice cultivates a positive mindset and helps ease any apprehensions.

gratitude moment with family
Engaging in moments of gratitude with your family gradually instills in your child the habit of noticing the positive occurrences throughout their day.

4. Mini Mindful Breaks: Introduce short moments of mindfulness throughout the day. Whether it’s a quick breathing exercise before a test or mindful snack time, these small breaks provide opportunities to pause, reset, and refocus. I find short mindfulness for kids’ videos on YouTube helpful.

small breaks provide opportunities to pause, reset, and refocus
small breaks provide opportunities to pause, reset, and refoc

5. Relaxation Bedtime Rituals: Establish a soothing bedtime routine that includes mindfulness elements. Reading a calming story, practicing deep breathing, listening to sound baths, and taking water baths or using gentle visualization techniques can help your child unwind, ensuring a peaceful night’s sleep.

Establish a soothing bedtime routine that includes mindfulness elements. Reading a calming story.
Establish a soothing bedtime routine that includes mindfulness elements. Reading a calming story

6. Make a big deal out of Friday: For my daughter Fridays are one of her favorite days, not because they mark the end of the school week, but they’re cherished because they signify our family movie night – a time when she can select her preferred food, snacks, and drink, and simply unwind. It’s a delightful routine that brings a sense of anticipation to each passing week. We sometimes alternate by going to the Cinema. Give it a try, let me know.

movie night – a time when your child can select her preferred food, snacks, and drink, and simply unwind. It's a delightful routine that brings a sense of anticipation to each passing week.
Movie night – a time when your child can select their preferred food, snacks, and drink, and simply unwind. It's a delightful routine that brings a sense of anticipation to each passing week.

Remember, this transition is a journey for both of you. By incorporating these mindfulness practices into your daily routine, you’re not only supporting your child’s emotional well-being but also nurturing your own sense of balance and joy.

As you embrace the new school year together, you’ll create a harmonious environment that sets the stage for a successful and fulfilling academic adventure. So, let’s welcome September with open arms and mindful hearts!

You got this!

Top curriculums for homeschoolers: A Guide

Top Curriculums for Homeschoolers: A Guide

First off I know I am not the only one who is thinking, can you even homeschool your child these days? “Homeschooling is like cooking a meal with whatever random ingredients happen to be in the pantry – it takes creativity and imagination, but you can whip up something pretty delicious if you’re motivated.” I know I am saying it lightly, but it is a monumental responsibility!

According to the UK GOV’s Department of Education parents have a right to educate their children at home, and the government wants the many parents who do it well to be supported. They devote time, financial resources and dedication to the education of their children.

Most parents who take up the weighty responsibility of home education do a great job, and many children benefit from home education. Choosing to educate children at home can represent a resolute and well-informed decision that holds the potential for a remarkably positive impact on their development.

This choice embodies a dedication to fostering an environment tailored to their unique needs and learning styles. By embracing the responsibility of home education, parents are empowered to shape a personalized and holistic learning journey, ingrained with the values and aspirations they hold dear.

This deliberate commitment allows for the cultivation of a strong educational foundation intertwined with the nurturing care that only a home environment can provide. It’s a choice that not only emphasizes academic growth but also underscores the significance of emotional well-being and character development. As parents dedicate themselves to this path, they embark on a remarkable adventure where creativity, curiosity, and close bonds flourish to shape well-rounded individuals ready to thrive and take the world.

However, the past few years have seen a very significant increase in the number of children being educated at home, and evidence suggests many of these children are not receiving a suitable education.


In the United Kingdom

While homeschooling is legal in the UK, parents must register with their local authority. The child will be subject to annual visits.

It is estimated that around 75,000 children are homeschooled in the UK.

Common reasons for homeschooling include religious beliefs, dissatisfaction with the school system, health/medical issues, and children with special learning needs.

Home-educated students can take exams as private candidates and apply to universities using the same procedures as school students.

There are many local and national organizations that provide resources and support for homeschooling families.

In the United States

Approximately 2.5 million students (about twice the population of Hawaii) (3-4% of school-aged children) are homeschooled in the US. The numbers have steadily grown since the 1990s.

Homeschooling is legal in all 50 states, but regulations vary significantly between states. Some require no notification; others require curriculum approval.

Common motivations include customizing curriculum, moral/religious instruction, academic excellence, special needs accommodation, and objection to the school environment.

Homeschooled students have access to online classes, co-ops, extracurricular activities, standardized testing, and college prep resources to supplement their education.

Studies show homeschoolers often outperform public school students in testing, graduation rates, college admissions, and more. However, critics argue the data is limited.

Exploring the Different Types of Curriculums and Teaching Methods Available at Home

  Traditional textbooks and workbooks – These are standard textbooks, worksheets, and educational materials from major curriculum publishers. They mimic traditional classroom teaching.

Online programs – Complete online curriculums with video lessons, assignments, testing, and record-keeping. Some examples are Time4Learning, Connections Academy, K12.

Unschooling or free-range – Child-led learning based on interests and natural life experiences, without a set curriculum. Learning is self-directed.

Unit studies – Focused study on one topic or concept at a time, integrating multiple subjects. For example, a unit on medieval history could include reading, writing, arts, and science lessons.

Eclectic – Mixing and matching curriculum based on the child’s needs and interests. Using bits from textbooks, online programs, hands-on activities, etc.

Charlotte Mason – Focus on nature study, classic literature, fine arts, and hands-on learning. Less emphasis on worksheets and textbooks.

Montessori – Child-directed learning with specialized Montessori educational materials tailored to developmental stages.

Classical – Emphasis on history, math, logic, science, language, and arts. Includes study of Greek and Latin.

A Beginner's Guide to Free-Range or Unschooling

Free-range or unschooling represents one end of the homeschooling spectrum – a more unstructured approach that gives children autonomy over their learning. With this style, there is no set curriculum. Instead, children follow their interests and learn through everyday life experiences. The child takes the lead in deciding what and how they want to learn.

However, many homeschooling families prefer more structured and traditional curriculums. These may involve textbooks, workbooks, online classes, or unit studies tailored to specific topics.

So while unschooling offers complete freedom, other homeschoolers choose to implement more formal lesson plans using predesigned educational materials and resources.

free range education method

The homeschooling world encompasses a diverse array of teaching styles and philosophies. But what they share is a desire to take education out of the confines of the typical classroom.

Within this framework, families can choose anything from fully unstructured unschooling to a highly structured curriculum like conventional schooling. There are many shades of gray in between.

What is a Free-Range education

Free Range education is an alternative education movement that emphasizes freedom, creativity, and learning through life experiences rather than traditional classroom settings. It falls under the umbrella of “unschooling“.

The term was coined by British writer John Holt in the 1970s, who believed that formal schooling was restrictive and that children learn better when following their own interests and curiosities.

While not as widespread as in the United States, Free Range education has been growing in England over the past couple of decades. It is legal to homeschool children using informal methods like this.

Families pursue free-range education for reasons like wanting more family time, allowing their child’s specific talents/interests to flourish, and dissatisfaction with the public school system.

Common practices include interest-led learning, travel, household responsibilities, internships, apprenticeships, and learning with other homeschooling families. Rather than a set curriculum, the child’s passions guide activities.

Critics argue it lacks structure and content coverage compared to traditional schooling. Supporters say it allows more personalized, real-world learning that promotes independent and creative thinkers.

There are no firm numbers, but one estimate put about 20,000 homeschooled children in England around 2010, a number that has likely increased. Of those, a portion use Free Range methods.

As an alternative to homeschooling using the Free-range method, there are schools out there that implement it fully or incorporate it into their curriculum.

Here are some examples of schools that incorporate elements of the free-range or unschooling approach:

 Summerhill School (Suffolk, England) – Founded in 1921, this pioneering democratic school allows students tremendous freedom to direct their own education. There are few required classes and students collectively self-govern.

Sudbury Valley School (Massachusetts, USA) – Opened in 1968, this non-coercive school gives students complete responsibility for their use of time. There is no required curriculum and students help run the school.

Albany Free School (Albany, New York) – Founded in 1969, this school has no classes, schedules, or grades. Students decide what activities they pursue each day and are responsible for their own learning.

 Fairhaven School (Maryland, USA) – Students ages 6-19 actively manage the daily operations of the school. There are no classes or curriculum requirements. Learning is driven by self-motivation.

Leo Libertaire (Manitoba, Canada) – This secular school provides an unstructured environment where students take ownership of their education. There are no classes or grades.

The Circle School (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania) – Students have full autonomy over class attendance, activities, and educational direction. The school serves preschool through 8th grade.

While not exclusively free-range, these schools exemplify key principles of student freedom, self-direction, and learning through intrinsic motivation that define the unschooling philosophy. This allows for customized, interest-driven education.

Summer Hill the Legacy of A.S. Neill

Alexander Sutherland Neill was a Scottish educator and author who radically reimagined schooling by founding Summerhill in 1921. Located in Suffolk, England, it became known as the first modern democratic school centered on freedom rather than control. Neill strongly opposed authoritarian styles of teaching, believing they crushed children’s natural curiosity and stifled self-motivation.

At Summerhill, classes were optional, the curriculum unstructured, and students democratically self-governed through school meetings where everyone had an equal vote. Neill trusted in children’s intrinsic will to learn when given freedom.

His approach encouraged them to take charge of their own education, following their interests and talents at their own pace rather than being forced.

While controversial, Summerhill fostered independent learning and creativity. Neill shared his vision in bestselling books like The Problem Child.

His innovative model inspired educational reformers worldwide and helped pioneer the free school movement. Neill aimed to cultivate happy, self-directed students who embraced learning as a joy rather than a chore.

Alexander Sutherland Neill
Alexander Sutherland Neill
Summer Hill School
Summer Hill School

Freedom not Licence “It must be emphasized again and again that freedom does not involve spoiling the child. If a baby of three wants to walk over the table, you simply tell him he must not. He must obey, that’s true. But on the other hand, you must obey when necessary. I get out of small children’s rooms if they tell me to get out” — A.S.Neill

Summerhill School is still operating today nearly 100 years after its founding. Please visit their website https://www.summerhillschool.co.uk/ for more information.

The school continues to operate out of its original location in Leiston, Suffolk England. It utilizes the same campus that was established by Alexander Sutherland Neill in 1921.

It remains committed to Neill’s original philosophy of democratic education. Students retain freedom over their time and studies, with classes and activities voluntary. There is an emphasis on learning through intrinsic motivation rather than coercion.

Twice weekly meetings, open to all staff and students, are held to democratically self-govern the school. Students and staff have an equal vote on rules and policies. This governance model remains a key pillar.

After Neill passed away in 1973, his daughter Zoë Readhead took over as principal for many years. Today, Neill’s great-granddaughter is the head teacher, keeping it a family-run school.

Please comment below if you would like in-depth information on Free Range Educational structure or if you would like a post about the other home-schooling methods written above.

Till next time, Cheerio

Sound Bath Meditation

Mindful Glow - A Journey of Rejuvenation Though Sound Bath Meditation

Candlelit Sound Bath Meditation, known as Mindful Glow

Sound bowl meditation is a component of sound therapy, which encompasses activities like singing, chanting, and using instrumental music. This ancient practice has gained popularity as a complementary approach to good mental health. I went to a Candlelit sound bath meditation, here is my experience.

As I stepped into the serene ambiance of the Candlelit Sound Bath Meditation, known as Mindful Glow https://feverup.com/m/120396, I could already feel a sense of tranquility washing over me. The room was adorned with flickering candles, casting dancing shadows on the walls, creating an atmosphere of warmth and comfort. Little did I know that this experience would take me on a journey like no other.

I picked a perfect spot, not too far away from the center and also not too close either. The sound bath began with a little breathing exercise, then we all laid back on our yoga mats and so it began. As the first resonant tones filled the air, I felt a gentle wave of calmness enveloping me. The soothing vibrations of the instruments penetrated deep into my being, melting away the layers of tension accumulated.

With the gentle hum of Tibetan singing bowls and the melodic chimes of crystal sound bowls, not to forget the tuning fork and shamanic drums. I found myself letting go of any distractions. The worries and anxieties that had been on my mind seemed to dissolve in the ethereal melodies, leaving me with a renewed sense of peace. Cathy from highvibes.co.uk is a really good practitioner.

Candles were scattered all around the room, their soft glow enhancing the meditative atmosphere. The warm flickering light added to the visual serenity, making it easier for me to focus and delve into the present moment.

candlelit sound bath meditation
Candlelit sound bath meditation

With each passing minute, I felt my mind and body being gently cradled by the harmonious sounds. It was as if the waves of sound were guiding me on a voyage within myself, revealing the depths of my consciousness. My breath synchronized with the rhythm of the instruments, and I felt a profound connection to my inner self.

As the session progressed, the sound bath washed away layers of stress and fatigue, leaving me feeling lighter and more rejuvenated. The experience was not only therapeutic for my mind but also for my body. Tensions that had built up in my muscles seemed to release, allowing me to surrender to a state of complete relaxation.

Throughout the session, I drifted in and out of a meditative state, carried by the symphony of sounds. My mind was no longer cluttered with thoughts, and I experienced a profound sense of clarity.

The Mindful Glow sound bath was a reminder that amidst the chaos of life, moments of tranquility can heal and rejuvenate us. The candles and vibrations intertwined to create a mindful oasis, leaving me lasting peace and well-being.

Are sound baths good for Children?

Sound bowls are musical instruments renowned for creating calming sounds and vibrations. Introducing these sound bowls into your children’s mindfulness and meditation routines serves as a valuable tool for them. Since children often struggle to meditate silently, these bowls can serve as effective aids for maintaining focus.

Through this practice, children can experience incredible benefits. These include enhanced concentration, improved emotional expression, and the transformation of emotions. While my 8-year-old daughter typically leans towards silence during mindfulness journeys, she Joins me in my short sound bowl meditations.

Sound baths can be designed to help you and your babies/children using instruments such as gongs, singing/sound bowls, ocean and shamanic drums, wind chimes, and more. Sound baths have the ability to relax breathing, promote rest and relaxation, lower heart rate, boost the immune system, improve sleep patterns, restore peace and happiness, calm the mind, and awaken creativity, imagination, and concentration. It is said that 20 minutes of a sound bath are equivalent to 2 hours of sleep.

How exactly do they do that you ask? The resonant tones are soothing and calming to the nervous system, signaling safety and relaxation. This activates the parasympathetic nervous system responsible for rest and digestion.

The sounds induce a natural brainwave state that is very meditative, characterized by slower EEG wavelengths like alpha and theta waves. This quiets the mind.
The vibrations are felt physically and can synchronize brainwave activity between the left and right hemispheres of the brain. This creates a whole-brain state.

Start with short 5-minute sessions 1-2x daily and slowly increase based on the child’s interest and ability to focus. Can work up to 20 minutes.

Please use discernment when using sound baths or exploring a single sound instrument for your child. Start slowly and softly, ensuring it’s something your child would be interested in. Do some more research, contact a professional practitioner, and consider attending workshops—there are plenty available online.

this image shows mindful meditation.
Listening intently to the soothing sounds serves as an anchor to keep kids focused in the present moment versus letting their minds wander.
The sounds induce a natural brainwave state that is very meditative, characterized by slower EEG wavelengths like alpha and theta waves. This quiets the mind.
The rhythms can entrain breathing and heart rate for kids, lowering these physiological processes. This creates a relaxed bodily state.

What is active learning? The Reggio Emilia Approach: Nurturing Education through Creativity and Collaboration

Active learning is a learning approach applicable for children as early as 6 months old all the way to primary school years and we are going to focus more on the early years. Whether you are an educator, a parent, caregiver in any capacity we are all on a journey to find better ways to help our little ones grow.

This image shows a child engaged in active learning. she is role playing and simulating everyday life of adults in(pretend play)
Pretend playing (role-playing) activities are an important part of active learning.

So, active learning – what's the deal? In a nutshell, it is teaching children through play, activities and projects.

It identifies and builds on children's strengths, interests and abilities. This approach is often child-led and constructive self-guided approach that uses self-directed, experiential learning in relationship-driven environments. Kind of like giving them the steering wheel.

I have incorporated The Reggio model in my early years teaching amongst other active learning programs, and let me tell you the children were not the only once learning new things.

this image is of a child engaged in active learning exploration.
Active learning exploration

Oh! My favorite early education quote is by Loris Malaguzzi: “Creativity becomes more visible when adults try to be more attentive to the cognitive processes of children than to the results they achieve in various fields of doing and understanding.”

Loris Malaguzzi (1920–1994) was a visionary educator and the driving force behind the development of the Reggio Emilia Approach. Born in Italy, Malaguzzi's innovative ideas and deep commitment to children's education led him to co-create an educational philosophy that has left a profound impact on early childhood education worldwide. His belief in the immense potential of children, the significance of community collaboration, and the role of creativity in learning were central to his approach. Malaguzzi's legacy continues to inspire educators to view children as capable, curious learners and to create environments that foster their innate curiosity and creativity.

The Reggio Emilia Approach: Nurturing Education through Creativity and Collaboration

The Reggio Emilia Approach, an innovative and child-centered educational philosophy, emerged in post-World War II Italy and has since gained worldwide recognition for its emphasis on fostering children's innate curiosity, creativity, and collaborative abilities. This approach was inspired by the town of Reggio Emilia in Northern Italy, where educators, parents, and community members came together to create a unique educational philosophy that places the child at the center of the learning experience. The approach is characterized by its principles, core values, and its enduring relevance in modern education.

The five Principals

The Reggio Emilia Approach is guided by five fundamental principles that shape its educational philosophy:

A child exploring texture, color and exercising gross motor skills.
A child exploring texture, color and exercising gross motor skills.

The Image of a Child

This principle views children as capable, curious, and full of potential. Educators in this approach believe that children have a hundred languages through which they can express themselves, including art, movement, and language. To better understand read the book “The Hundred Languages of Children: The Reggio Emilia Experience in Transformation”

The Role of the Teacher: Teachers are considered collaborators and facilitators in the learning process. They observe, document, and engage with children's interests, providing guidance and support while respecting their autonomy.

The Environment as the Third Teacher: The physical environment is thoughtfully designed to inspire exploration and discovery. It is considered an integral part of the learning experience and is meant to encourage interaction, creativity, and problem-solving.

Project-Based Learning: Learning in the Reggio Emilia Approach often occurs through long-term, in-depth projects that are based on children's interests and questions. These projects encourage investigation, research, and collaboration among children and teachers.

Collaboration and Communication: Social collaboration is emphasized, fostering a sense of community and encouraging children to learn from and with each other. Dialogue and communication are seen as essential tools for learning.

active learning exploration
active learning exploration
Science exploration in active learning
Science exploration in active learning

General Core Principle: At the heart of the Reggio Emilia Approach is the belief that education is a dynamic and reciprocal process. Children are seen as active participants in constructing their own knowledge, rather than passive recipients. The approach values the interconnections between children, teachers, families, and the broader community, recognizing that each plays a vital role in a child’s holistic development.

How it benefits your child: In today’s rapidly changing world, the Reggio Emilia Approach continues to offer numerous benefits for children’s education:

1. Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving :The approach encourages children to explore, question, and investigate, fostering critical thinking skills that are essential in an information-rich society.

2. Creativity and Self-Expression: By valuing multiple forms of expression, including art, drama, and writing, the approach nurtures creativity and supports children in developing their unique voices.

3. Collaboration and Communication Skills: The emphasis on collaboration and dialogue prepares children for the demands of teamwork and effective communication in various settings.

4. Adaptability and Resilience: Through project-based learning, children engage with complex topics and learn to adapt to new challenges, promoting resilience and a growth mindset.

5. Empowerment and Agency: The Reggio Emilia Approach empowers children to take an active role in their learning, fostering a sense of agency that prepares them to be lifelong learners and engaged citizens.

The Reggio Emilia Approach, rooted in its historical origins and core principles, remains a beacon of child-centered education. By valuing children's capabilities, promoting collaboration, and embracing creativity, this approach equips children with the skills and attitudes they need to thrive in the modern world. In a society that values innovation, communication, and critical thinking, the Reggio Emilia Approach offers a timeless and powerful model for holistic education. I’ll be writing more about this learning method in the future. I hope this gets you excited to start your journey with your little one, the Reggio way. Until next time, ciao!

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We will collect data automatically via cookies, in line with the cookie settings in your browser. For more information about cookies, how we use them on the Website see the section below, headed Cookies.

Information Collected When Leaving Comments

When you leave comments on Nurture with Yally you have the option of providing your name, blog or website URL, or other information. This information becomes a permanent part of the website when you provide it with a comment and can be seen by other visitors to the site. Your email is required but is not displayed and is never used or sold to third party vendors.

Anonymous Data

From time to time, we may use anonymous data, which does not identify you alone or when combined with data from other parties. This type of anonymous data may be provided to other parties for marketing, advertising, or other uses. Examples of this anonymous data may include analytics or information collected from cookies.

Publicly Visible Information

If you create a user profile on the Website or leave a comment, certain information may be publicly visible. To create a user profile, you must choose a username and password and input your email address for profile confirmation. Your email address will never be available publicly. At your option, you may also add an avatar, a profile description, and a link to your website.

Users may see your username, avatar, profile description and website information.

Our use of Data

Any and all of the above data may be required by us from time to time to provide you with the best possible service and experience when using our Website specifically. Data may be used by us for the following reasons :

a. Internal record keeping

b. Improvement of our Website, products and/or services.

c. Transmission by email of marketing materials that may be of interest to you.

d. Contact for marketing and research purposes that may be using e-mail or other social media. Such information may be used to update or customize the website.

In each case in accordance with this privacy policy

Who we share Data with

Our Website uses GreenGeeks.com as our Website hosting service, Green Geeks is a web hosting service that is fast, secure and eco-friendly. This website uses WordPress plug-in to write and publish articles via Green Geeks.

Keeping your Date Secure

We essentially ensure that we have appropriate data protection measures in place and adhere to privacy regulations. We store Data in secure servers. Our web site is SSL certified which means this Website identity is authenticated and enables an encrypted connection.

If you want detailed information on how to protect your information and computer devices from fraud, identity theft and viruses and many other online problems, please visit www.getsafeonline.org which is supported by HM Government.

Data retention

Websites typically retain personal information for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, unless a longer retention period is required by law. There are no definitive GDPR statutory retention periods, per se. The legislation states that a business should keep information for “no longer than is necessary”.

Even if we delete your Data, it may persist on backup or archival media for legal, tax or regulatory purposes.

Rights Related to Your Personal Information

Websites should obtain appropriate consent from users before collecting and using their personal information, especially when sensitive data is involved.

· Opt-out – You may opt-out of future email communications by following the unsubscribe links in our emails. You may also email us on yallynew@gmail.com to be removed from our mailing list.

· Access – You may access the personal information we have about you by submitting a request via email.

· Amend – You may contact us to amend or update your personal information via email at yallynew@gmail.com.

· Forget – In certain situations, you may request that we erase or forget your personal data. To do so, please email us.

Please note that we may need to retain certain information for recordkeeping purposes or to complete transactions, or when required by law.

Sensitive Personal Information

At no time should you submit sensitive personal information to the Website. This includes your social security number, information regarding race or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious beliefs, health information, criminal background, or trade union memberships. If you elect to submit such information to us, it will be subject to this Privacy Policy.

Children’s Information

The Website does not knowingly collect any personally identifiable information from children under the age of 16. If a parent or guardian believes that the Website has personally identifiable information of a child under the age of 16 in its database, please contact us on yallynew@gmail.com immediately and we will use our best efforts to promptly remove such information from our records.

Data Transfers

As part of our operations, personal information may be transferred to and processed in countries outside of the UK. We ensure that any such transfer is done in compliance with applicable data protection laws and appropriate safeguards are implemented.

Links to other Websites

This Website may from time to time provide links to other websites. We have no control over such websites and are not reasonable for the content of these websites. This privacy policy does not extend to your use of such Websites. You are advised to read the privacy policies or statements of other Websites before using them.


This Website may place and access certain Cookies on your computer. Nurture With Yally uses cookies to improve your experience of using the Website and to improve our range of products. Nurture with Yally has carefully chosen these cookies and has taken steps to make sure your privacy is protected and respected at all times.

All cookies used on this website are in accordance with UK and EU Cookies Law.

Before the website places cookies on your computer, you will be presented with a message bar requesting your consent to set those Cookies, by giving your consent to the placing of cookies you are enabling Nurture with Yally to provide a better experience and service. You may, if you wish, deny your consent to the placing of cookies, however, certain features of the website may not function fully as intended.

We give you control over which Cookies we use. You can adjust your cookies’ presence at any time. You can choose to enable or disable Cookies on your internet browser, most internet browsers accept Cookies, but it can be changed. For further details please see the help menu on your internet browser. You can switch off cookies anytime, however you may lose any information that enables you to access the website more efficiently and quickly, including but not limited to personalization settings.

For more information on how to disable cookies please refer to aboutcookies.org you will also find details on how to delete Cookies.

We may collect the following data using cookies when serving personalized ads.

· IP Address

· Operating System type

· Operating System version

· Device Type

· Language of the website

· Web browser type

· Email (in hashed form)

Types of Cookies and their purpose

Strictly necessary cookies- these are cookies required for the operation of our website. They include, for example, cookies that enable you to secure areas of our website, use your shopping cart or make use of an e-billing service.

Analytical performance cookies- they allow us to recognize and count the amount of visitors

Functionality Cookies- these are used to recognize you when you enter our website. This enables us to personalize our content for you. Greet you by name and remember your preference. By using the Website you agree to our placement of functionality Cookies.

Affiliate Program Participation

The Website may engage in affiliate marketing, which is done by embedding tracking links into the Website. If you click on a link for an affiliate partnership, a cookie will be placed on your browser to track any sales for purposes of commissions.


On the Website, you may subscribe to our newsletter, which may be used for advertising purposes. All newsletters sent may contain tracking pixels. The pixel is embedded in emails and allows an analysis of the success of online marketing campaigns. Because of these tracking pixels, we may see if and when you open an email and which links within the email you click. Also, this allows the Website to adapt the content of future newsletters to the interests of the user. This will not be passed on to third parties.


You may not transfer any of your rights under this privacy policy to another person. We may transfer our rights under this privacy policy where we reasonably believe your rights will not be affected.

If any court or competent authority finds that any provision of this privacy policy (or part of any provision) is invalid, illegal or unenforceable, that provision or part provision, to the extent required, be deemed to be deleted, and the validity and enforceability of the other provisions of this privacy policy will not be affected.

Unless otherwise agreed, no delay, act or omission by a party in exercising any rights or remedy will be deemed a waiver of that right, or any other, right or remedy.

This agreement will be Governed by and interpreted according to the Law of England and Wales. All disputes arising under the agreement will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English and Welsh Courts.

Changes to this privacy policy

Nurture with Yally reserves the right to change this privacy policy as we may deem necessary from time to time or as may be required by law. Any changes will be immediately posted on the website, and you are deemed to have accepted the terms of the privacy policy on your first use of the website.

You may contact Nurture with Yally Via e-mail yallynew@gmail.com

This privacy policy was created on August 1, 2023